Amelia Gilliland, PhD

Hi, I’m Amelia Gilliland

I’m a professor, herbalist, coach and yoga instructor with a speciality in chronic pain rehabilitation.

My background and training …

I consider myself both an educator and a lifelong learner. I spent 25 years teaching in higher education before retiring in 2020. I hold a BA in Psychology, an MEd. in Education, and Ph.D. in Adult Education.

I am an herbalist, having completed programs with Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine, and currently meeting the requirements to become a Registered Herbalist (RH). I am a member of The American Herbalist Guild , United Plant Savers , Flower Essence Society as well as Homesteaders of America

I am a Holistic Health Coach, and my coaching method is based on the truth that each of us is a whole, not broken. I coach others from this starting place.

I am a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200) and Group Fitness Instructor. I also hold certifications in meditation, mindfulness, stress management, energy medicine, and rehabilitative pain management.

I am a certified facilitator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children® (MMTIC®), and the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® (PMAI®). All three instruments are based on Carl Jung's personality preferences and archetypes research. I use these instruments with clients to inspire motivation and create greater self-awareness and purpose.

I am highly passionate about learning and consider myself incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to study with numerous gifted educators who have helped me grow and expand my professional knowledge.

My passion for holistic health has woven its way through every aspect of my background, bringing a sense of purpose and unity to everything I do. I believe deeply that God has given each of us a unique gift that our world needs. When we are in balance, mind, body, and spirit, we can better respond to this call to share our unique gifts with our world.

What I offer…

Through coaching, herbal consulting, online learning, and small-batch hand-crafted medicines, I offer gateways to holistic health. I share this work with you from a place of passionate humility. After experiencing an illness that resulted in debilitating joint pain and a subsequent injury that took three years to heal, I found myself desperate for healing: physically, mentally, and spiritually. I felt utterly broken in every way. Amidst the garden's tranquil surroundings and the beauty of the natural world, I discovered a profound sense of connection that brought me the healing and renewal I sought. My changes resulted in improved health, mind, body, and spirit. My goal is to empower and inspire others by sharing the knowledge and insights I have gained through my professional training and personal experiences. My ultimate goal is to help individuals achieve a state of well-being by connecting with nature and fostering holistic health. Let me guide you on a journey towards a fulfilling and enriching life.

What I do:

Let's team up to improve your well-being by using herbs, flower essences, yoga, mindfulness exercises, breath work, meditation, and nature-based activities to help you feel your best. Together, we will:

  • Define your holistic health goals and work towards achieving them with dedication and enthusiasm.

  • Discover the power of nature's remedies to nurture your mind, body, and soul. Embrace a holistic approach to wellness and unlock the potential of herbal remedies to support your journey towards optimal health.

  • Discover the transformative power of yoga, breathwork, and mindfulness! Explore specific practices in each area to elevate your mind, body, and spirit.

  • Embrace nature-based activities (right from your home!) that nurture your well-being and bring you closer to the natural world around you.

  • Provide additional resources to support you on your health journey to holistic health.

What I do not do:

  • Diagnose

  • Prescribe

  • Treat

  • Replace your physician

  • Replace your therapist